04 January 2009

Spain stays up late

So I have been here for two nights so far and already can tell that Spain likes to party. People stay out at the bars and discotecas until at least 3 am and some as late as 6 am. I am beginning to understand their rationale behind a mid day siesta. When we go out, a lot of people speak English, but we try to use our Spanish (but are often unsuccessful...). Going out for "tapas" (like little appetizers) and a drink is really fun. People will just go from bar to bar having a little food and one drink. It's all very social. The food is good - most everything is all natural.

So the first night we went out was very fun - we met lots of people and tried several different bars. I think we went all over Madrid that night - we seriously walked forever. When we were ready to go home it was about 3am and we had no idea where we were. It took us about an hour to finally get home. That was quite an adventure. Whew.

Today we are going out to walk around and see more of the city. Katie told us about a street that is like 5th avenue that we have to see. So I think we will do that and then grab some lunch. Tomorrow we have to be at the airport at 9:30 am so we are passing on the night scene tonight. The next time I write, I will probably be in Toledo! BESOS!!!


  1. Great to hear that all is going well. We stayed up to midnight and saw Justin's band at BBC. It felt like 3AM to me. L M&D

  2. Sounds like you all are having a great time! I can't wait to hear all about your adventures. Keep us updated about your host family and Toledo! Be safe traveling!
    Love- Tiller

  3. Hi Kate!! This is SO exciting! I love your blog--do you mind if I follow it? I don't know if you know ours: www.saraandclay.blogspot.com. Have so much fun in Espana--where exactly are you studying/traveling? Love you!
